To follow along

the goal for today

  • Why and when to use Svelte
  • Basics of Svelte
  • Demo time !

Étienne Bélanger

  • WordPress coder for more then 10 years
  • Love to explore new tools and territories
  • Work @ DistrictWeb as full-stack developer
  • Contact
    • belangeretienne
    • @ebeldev
    • @ebeldev

What is Svelte ??

Why use Svelte ??


I'm not a expert.

So, please, if I make any mistake, just tell me so!


I'm just a Svelte lover and I want to spread the word...

Svelte Concepts

Why I love it

  • Svelte is a compiler not a framework
  • Use it in any project
  • Is truely reactive
  • Write less code
  • Super performant

Svelte is a compiler not a framework

  • Svelte is meant to be the framework that is not a framework
  • It's a tool that compile your code at build time
  • Builds your code as highly optimized vanilla JavaScript
  • Only need to include the buildFile.js file
  • No framework at runtime

Use it in any project

  • In your theme
  • In your plugin
  • In your client child theme
  • As a stand alone Single page app
  • In a Vue or React app
  • On top of any other actual project, plugin, theme

Truely reactive

  • No virtual DOM
  • No need to use setState or useState
  • It uses javascript similar to Observable
  • Run your code as topological not top to bottom

Breaking code

						(() => {
						 const square = number => number * number;

						 const secondNumber = square(firstNumber);
						 const firstNumber = 42;


True reactivity

$: foo = bar

						// in vanilla js
						let foo = 10
						let bar = foo + 10 // bar = 20
						foo = bar // bar = 20 no reactivity
						bar = foo + 10 // now bar becomes 25

						// in Svelte
						let foo = 10
						$: bar = foo + 10 // now bar is 20
						foo = 15
						// bar is now 25 because it is bound to the value of foo

Write less code

with Svelte

What year were you born?
{#if age}

You are {age} years old


13 lines of codes

with React

							import React, {Component} from 'react'
							export default () => {
							 const {age, setAge} = useState(0)
							 const {year, setYear} = useState(0)
							 function calculateAge(){
							  const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear()
							  setAge(currentYear - year)
							 function handleChange(event){

What year were you born?

{age ?

You are {age} years old

: null}

25 lines of code


Svelte compiles your code into low-level, pure javascript that will interact directly with the DOM

Svelte Basic


							npx degit sveltejs/template my-svelte-project
							cd my-svelte-project

							npm install
							npm run dev

Basic Page template

You write your code in a .svelte file




Hello {name}!

single mounting component

						// main.js
						import App from './App.svelte';

						const app = new App({
						 target: document.body

						export default app;

multiple mounting component

						// main.js
						import App from './App.svelte';
						import App2 from './App2.svelte';

						const app = new App({
						 target: document.getElementById('div1')

						const app2 = new App({
						 target: document.getElementById('div2')

						export default app;

Import Component

Scope styles

						// App.svelte



These styles...

Nested component

						 // Nested.svelte




Reactive variables




This is reactive variable {foo}

If and else if

{#if condition} {:else if} {:else} {/if}


						{#if x >= 10}

{x} is greater than 10

{:else if x > 5}

{x} is greater than 10

{:else} {#if 5 > x}

{x} is less than 5


{x} is between 5 and 10

{/if} {/if}

For each

{#each yourArray as yourSingleElement} {/each}



The Famous Cats of YouTube

Event forwarding




Binding data





{a} + {b} = {a + b}

Other awesome functionnality

  • Life Cycle
  • Stores
  • Motion
  • Transitions
  • Animations
  • Async
  • Context API
  • Slots in component
  • Debug tags
  • So much more...

Include Svelte in WordPress

In a theme or a plugin

  • npm install svelte packages
  • Build a Gulp or Webpack or Rollup config file
  • Structure your folders for source files and compiled files
  • Run your compiler
  • Add a div with a id in your theme or plugin or by action hook
  • Enqueue your script bundle.js file in functions.php
  • Enqueue your style bundle.css file in functions.php

Demo time!

References of tool i made
